Regional Community Development News – April 12, 2010 [regions_work]


A compilation of news links about and for regional communities pursuing local and regional development.

Published on line since November 11, 2003.



Top Regional Community stories … 1. – 9.

U.S. Regional Communities - sub-State, State or multi-State – news articles10.01 - .38

Other Regional Community News for Our Local Planet11.01 - .19

Blogging about Regional Communities … 12.01 - .15

Announcements and Regional Links13.01 - .08

Financial Crisis …14.01 - .02

Custom search: region, regions, regional communities … 15.

Bold Italic highlights search terms and/or phrases of interest.


Top Regional Community stories

1. Major impact? 'Challenges for Change' could dissolve local organizations - Bennington Banner – Bennington, VT, USA

A state budget savings plan heavily touted by the Douglas administration and legislative leaders could dissolve countywide organizations that provide services to area businesses and municipalities.

Republican Gov. James Douglas joined House Speaker Shap Smith and Senate President Pro Tem Peter Shumlin, both Democrats, in a show of unity earlier this session in announcing the Challenges for Change program.

The plan, developed in concert with a private consultant, called for specific budget cuts and outcomes with a plan to achieve them to follow.

Now, many of the proposals -- aimed at saving the state a total of $38 million -- are facing stiff opposition from rank-and-file lawmakers, as well as the groups impacted.

The administration revealed earlier this week an initial report on how it wants state government to achieve the savings, which the Vermont House has already included in its state budget -- without knowing how the savings would be achieved.

Under a proposal submitted by the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, which would cut $3.4 million in spending over the next two fiscal years, regional planning commissions and industrial corporations, along with other groups, would be dissolved.

Instead, nine Regional Service Centers would be created and incorporate the duties of:

* 12 regional development corporations

* 11 regional planning commissions

* 14 regional state employment offices

* 5 regional Micro Business Development Programs

* 8 regionally deployed Small Business Development Center councilors

* 4 employer outreach programs for employee training

Developed by a Douglas administration team led by Agency of Commerce and Community Development Deputy Secretary Jim Saudade, the plan would reduce "significant redundancies and overlaps," according to the report, while maintaining "the full range" of planning and economic development services performed by the regional planning commissions and development corporations.

2. Proposed merger of regional planning commissions, development corporations raises hackles-

A sharp disagreement has broken out between the Agency of Commerce and Community Development and the state’s regional economic development and planning organizations.


For planners and developers, yesterday was payback time: Representatives from the two regional groups went on the offensive with a counterproposal. They urged the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee to reassess the agency’s effectiveness and carve $1.63 million from its administrative budget, the Department of Economic, Housing and Community Development and the Vermont Global Trade Partnership.

The regional planners and developers gave themselves a 10 percent, across-the-board cut while offering an olive branch to the agency, agreeing to consider the mergers within a slower timeframe: By Jan. 1, 2011, they would complete a strategic analysis of the state and regional economic development service delivery system, and from this, they would determine how the state’s service providers could best collaborate. The pricetag? $100,000.

could regional development officials and planners live and work together? Maybe.

Lewis and Dimitruk said their groups aren’t incompatible, but they have very different personalities. The Regional Development Corporations are all about pure economic development – luring businesses into the state and providing services that sustain existing companies; the Regional Planning Commissions were created by the Legislature to provide planning services for member municipalities who rely on their expertise for training, bylaw development, and planning for natural resources, hazardous materials, transportation, …Economic development is not one of the RPCs’ functions under the law.

Sometimes the two groups are synergistic, but more often than not, they play indirect, collaborative roles, …

There are style differences, too: The RDC employees are entrepreneurial and, consequently, more “project-focused and event-driven,” as Lewis put it, and the RPC staffers are systems analysts who are interested in a holistic approach to planning for change for a given region.


Vermont Association of Planning and Development Agencies:

3. Triad: More than sum of its parts, but the parts matter - News & Record - Greensboro, NC, USA

Recently, many dedicated people have spent a great deal of time and effort refining and restructuring our regional economic development strategy. Business and elected leaders from throughout the Triad came together to chart a new course intended to enhance the process for repairing and rebuilding our economic base.

The Greensboro Economic Development Alliance is a staunch supporter of regionalism and the recent realignment of the Piedmont Triad Partnership. Since the issue of regional cooperation is front and center, it might be helpful to frame the discussion from the local economic development perspective, while providing some insight on our methodology.

Regionalism, as it relates to economic development, is a marketing and branding strategy intended to leverage the strengths of geographically proximate communities. As the theory goes, bigger is better, and combining local assets under the banner of an interconnected region makes sense. It was Aristotle who first postulated the idea that "the whole is more than the sum of its parts." That (not so) simple observation underscores the value proposition in support of regionalism as a means to redefine our local economies.

The Piedmont Triad regional concept began to gain momentum in the late 1980s. Initially it was formed as a means to achieve one simple goal -- create an economic entity with a population in excess of 1 million people. Why was that important? In the economic development arena, population is used as a baseline filter or qualifier for companies and site consultants evaluating communities for projects. At the time, our official MSA, including Greensboro, Winston-Salem and High Point, fell short of the 1 million population demographic. Thus the process to define our region began.

4. Regional economic policy in full bloom -

Bad ideas never die, they don't even fade away. Like certain kinds of weeds, they just keep coming back.

Last month's Budget boasted an infestation of that ground elder of dud notions, that veritable Japanese knotweed of terrible ideas: regional economic policy. You missed it?

Easily done in all the excitement about bank tax and so on, but aficionados of nonsense ought to turn to paragraphs 1.25, 4.64 and 6.47.

There is to be 'an enhanced role for regional Ministers to promote growth and inclusion and champion public service reform'. Said Ministers amount to nine and, you will be pleased to know, have proper jobs too.

You could host a three-day seminar for top economists on the question of whether growth goes with inclusion or (as some evidence suggests) whether faster growth leads to wider inequality. But no such doubts trouble those living in regional policy land.

Furthermore: 'A regional growth fund will be established by the regional development agencies' to 'promote high-value investment in support of regional and national growth'.

Not that axeing the regions would necessarily save us from pseudo-regional economic policy. The Budget also enthuses at the role of local government in promoting growth and inclusion and has given town halls discretion over the spending of an extra £1.3bn.

Regional policymaking has been with us since the Sixties and there is no evidence that it has done anything but waste money and keep bureaucrats in work. Yes, there have been problems enough with industrial and economic management from the centre, but there have been achievements too.


5. Washtenaw County officials question worth of investment in SEMCOG - Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Washtenaw County commissioners are questioning the worth of the county's $125,000 annual investment in SEMCOG [ ] after running into delays with the Ann Arbor-to-Detroit commuter train project.

Washtenaw County Commissioner Conan Smith said he thinks SEMCOG needs a change in leadership and governance reform.

"There are a heck of a lot more townships, for example, than there are cities (in SEMCOG), so the inclination around infrastructure investments is to support that outward migration of resources, and that's not in the long-term sustainability interests of the region as a whole," he said.

"There is just a status-quo kind of approach to problem solving when it comes to transportation and infrastructure," he added. "I would say SEMCOG's actually pretty good when it comes to water quality work, and their work on community and economic development has been very strong. But their primary mission through the federal government is transportation, and we see the vast majority of their data and their investment decision-making heading toward a sprawl model as opposed to reinforcement of sustainable urban development."


Commissioners said at Wednesday's meeting the problem with pulling out of SEMCOG is that they want to support regionalism. And despite frustrations with SEMCOG, it does have its benefits — such as funding it helps bring to the region and data it provides regarding its communities, they said.


Tait, a resident of Ypsilanti, joined SEMCOG in 1972 and has been executive director since 1998. …

"We are working on an economic development strategy for the region that does tie Washtenaw County in with the rest of the region," he added. "All of the data and information shows that Washtenaw County is increasingly connected with the rest of the region needs to be at the table."

6. Lee, Dougherty fortunes intertwined - Albany Herald On-line - Albany, GA, USA

As the push for the ongoing census count neared its day of reckoning, the chairmen of the Dougherty and Lee County commissions — Jeff Sinyard and Ed Duffy, respectively — planned a joint photo op on Ledo Road at a sign that the two counties purchased together.

Lee’s Duffy points to a growing number of areas in which leaders in the counties have worked in a spirit of cooperation.

“The chamber and elected officials in Lee County realize that success and growth in Albany/Dougherty County will also be shared by Lee County,” he said. “Over 85 percent of working people living in Lee County work in Albany/Dougherty County.

“(Lee County Administrator) Mr. Alan Ours, Mr. Al Lott and (Dougherty County Administrator) Mr. Richard Crowdis meet on a regular basis to discuss challenges in our area. And Lee County, Dougherty County, Mitchell County, Baker County and Terrell County participate in a joint development authority. All of these counties have their own development authority, but we work together as a region to attract industry and community development.”

Lott adds another key component to that list.

“We work particularly closely through our law enforcement agencies,” he said. “We have the same kind of agreement with all the agencies in the region, and that’s important when you have criminals that cross county lines.

“As far as cooperative thinking goes, that’s a very good place to start.”

While such mutual efforts have opened the possibility of even further cooperation between the two counties, those who have lived in either for an extended period of time know it hasn’t always been that way. In fact, open hostility was more the rule of the day not that long ago.

RC: Southwest Georgia Regional Commission -

7. On The Scene: Fixing the transportation mess - Oregon Business - Portland, OR, USA

The Sellwood Bridge is deteriorating as questions arise over whether Multnomah County or Clackamas County is responsible for its replacement. The approval of funding for the Newberg-Dundee bypass is being criticized as a political maneuver. And the fate of the Columbia River Crossing remains unknown while the debate over its size, impact and whether it should even be built keeps its progress in limbo. In other words, the Portland area’s regional transportation governance is a big, gridlocked mess.

The City Club of Portland recently released a report titled “Moving Forward: A Better Way to Govern Regional Transportation.” …

What’s tangling up transportation progress so much? The report found several problems with the current regional governance, such as the Oregon Department of Transportation’s control of most of the region’s transportation money (which gives the power to choose and fund projects primarily to state officials). A large chunk of the problem, the report says, also lies in the fragmentation of governance, with federal, state and local government and agencies all having an influence on transportation projects in the area. With so many jurisdictions with a stake in transportation, the result is a lack of clarity on which entity should be responsible for which parts of the system. Many decisions are made on a micro level, Livingston says, when transportation is really a regional issue.

To get Portland on the right track, the report suggests a radical change in governance. Among the recommendations: Have ODOT distribute to Metro [ ] the funds it currently gives to cities and counties, granting Metro the power to determine how the money will be spent. … But the City Club isn’t giving Metro the whole cake. It also recommends …

8. Still the Promised Land: Poverty, policy and hope in the Rust Belt - Cleveland Scene Weekly - Cleveland, OH, USA

Out west in gigantic, thriving Chicago, there's a debate underway between a journalist and an IT consultant over whether regionalism can help the hollowing-out cities of the Rust Belt.

Chicago is the Great Lakes exception. Social thinkers there look west and see the empty Great Plains states that lost their economic mojo a generation ago, … Looking east, Chicago sees the Rust Belt …

Richard Longworth, who likes regionalism, wrote those words in reference to Cleveland, Dayton, Buffalo and the other rusty towns he discusses on his blog, The Midwesterner. Aaron Renn, the IT guy who runs a blog called The Urbanophile, also writes about the economic challenges of old industrial centers, but Renn prefers localism. Renn finds great quotes from the late urbanist Jane Jacobs to advocate for local rather than regional governance ...

… authors' core assertion — which is that immigrants possess most of the magic ingredients that give them a leg up as entrepreneurs — gets nods from Sue McCartney, who directs Buffalo's Small Business Development Center. She emphatically concurs that the alleged barriers to business — a big public sector, taxes and regulation — are irrelevant to startups. Well-educated English-speaking folks who arrive here from Africa, Europe, East and West Asia, and the Americas regard Buffalo and other Rust Belt cities as the best place in the world to start a business. …

Internal immigrants like the Rust Belt too. ...

Government investment in infrastructure created the industrial economy in the first place. A smart government could make immigration to the Rust Belt cities what the smart government in Canada made happen in Toronto, which is such a magnet for immigration that today, 49 percent of the population is foreign-born. It's no accident that the economic region known as the Greater Toronto Area is governed as a whole. ...

9. Welcome to Diplomacy 2.0 - Khaleej Times - UAE

Regionalism has moved to the foreground of global politics – except in the US, where the two are seen as antithetical. Clinton has described today’s major global challenge for her country as being the improvement of communication across borders and at all levels of society, evidently everywhere. … Princeton professor Anne-Marie Slaughter, has touted the US as the favored hub of a global network of people, institutions, and relationships.

But, while America thinks in terms of networks, the rest of the world is busy connecting circuits. Will the twain ever meet? There is no reason why not. Both visions sound appealing and consistent with traditional tenets of international relations, particularly Thomas Jefferson’s desire for “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations,” to which Clinton might add “individuals and groups within and among nations.”

Neither individuals nor nations have identical interests, however. Clinton’s global network is already meeting roadblocks, particularly with China. She is finding out that the old ways of doing business – treaties, ambassadors, dรฉmarches, alliances, and the rest – may be useful after all.

Ever since modern diplomacy was invented in Renaissance Italy, states have found it necessary to exchange envoys for the purpose of reaching (or breaking) agreements, whether on parchment or by video conference. This does not appear to have been overtaken by globalisation.

Those who assume that the obsolescent diplomacy of the twentieth century – as it is described by today’s global network enthusiasts – was conducted entirely behind closed doors by elites have got their history wrong.

…, diplomats have long been some of the most proficient social networkers and connectors. And they have long confronted multiple agendas and constituencies, from those clamoring to influence the League of Nations’ disarmament conferences of the 1930’s to those wielding the megaphones in Copenhagen

10. U.S. Regional Communities - sub-State, State or multi-State - in news articles.

In this and section 11, links to websites of organizations are added to the news excerpt when this is the first time an organization has been found. A goal of this newsletter is to find every regional council in the U.S. in a news story as well as recognizing other regional organizations. In most cases, where a full name is present, a Google search will quickly get one to that organization. News reports do not always get the organization name correct. Contents

.01 Regional hubs may be rural Kansas' future - Hutchinson, KS, USA

... none of the promise of the new millennium came to fruition for the vast majority of our rural communities. This failure comes on top of several decades of public policy initiatives and individual efforts designed to alter rural population losses. If it were a function of policy, effort or desire, all of our rural communities would be thriving. So, what's next? If more of the same will not work, what are our options? One option is to focus scarce public policy resources on a select number of rural regional communities. This would help them to aggregate a critical mass of people and generate the economies of scale necessary to enable businesses and services to compete in the world economy. Unfortunately, sparsely populated rural areas can't afford the per capita costs of these critical infrastructure needs related to health care, financial institutions, governmental, professional and retail services, communications, education and transportation. Moreover, the rest of the state can't afford to subsidize these services either. If we follow this option, our goal should be to develop a network of rural regional centers that are a reasonable driving distance - 45 minutes to one hour - of any inhabitant of a rural area. Consolidating governmental services, especially school districts and counties, into larger regionally based administrative units also should occur if we pursue this option. This would provide the regional centers another basis for employment and activity. Even so, pursuing a regional option is not a silver bullet. It will not bring people back to Greeley, Greenwood or Kiowa counties. However, regionalism does have the potential of improving the quality of life of residents of these counties, giving them relatively easy access to a range of business, professional and health support services. Many will object to this option, claiming that it will be determining winners and losers. However, a close look at the data suggests that our rural populations are already clustering in towns with the best education, health care, retail and communications infrastructures. The winners and losers already have been determined. Perhaps it is time to align public policies with this reality.

.02 Court: Porter County can't leave RDA

Porter County News - Munster, IN, USA

A Jasper County judge ruled Friday the Porter County Council overstepped its legal bounds when it voted a year ago to withdraw from the Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority. The county cannot vote to leave the regional group because rather than electing to join, it was required to join by state law, Jasper County Circuit Court Judge John Potter said. "The only option Porter County had was whether or not to utilize the option of a (county economic development income tax) increase to fund their financial requirements to the RDA," Potter said. The judge said the only county given an option to join the RDA was LaPorte, which has not taken that step. Porter County was ordered to resume paying its $3.5 million in annual dues... The RDA board of directors released a statement that it was pleased with the ruling and pointed out that five communities in Porter County have passed resolutions this year supporting the regional effort with Lake County. ...

.03 Strategic Plan

Chattanooga Times Free Press - Chattanooga, TN, USA

The Chattanooga area should build on landing Volkswagen and Alstom’s big expansion, but it ought to identify other target sectors to diversify the economy, a new strategic plan says. ... The new plan developed by the Chamber, Hamilton County’s chief job-growth group, also calls for:

* Offering more support for small businesses and existing companies to add local jobs.

* Providing a new focus on regionalism.

* Continuing to bolster the work force and education.

... Concerning regional cooperation, Chamber officials said it’s a challenge but needed if the area is to reach its full potential. “We need to do a better job of competing as a region rather than a city,” Mr. Wilson said. “Everybody benefits from that.” While the business group doesn’t have any ability to create or enforce regional policy, it can act as a convener and coordinator for cooperation, according to the plan.

.04 Finally Movement Toward Regionalization

Jamestown Post Journal - Jamestown, NY, USA

To the Readers' Forum: Finally we have a leader in the county who was willing to publicly address and make it a county priority to begin working to regionalize all local governments and school districts. For decades, the property owners who pay the taxes have asked and wondered why we have multiple plows going up the same highway, overlapping police agencies; and every school district, no matter how small, has to have a full superintendent and I could go on and on. The public, tax groups, chambers of commerce and manufacturer's associations, the Lundine Commission, editorial and ''Readers' Forum'' columns have been written, but the little cliques at all levels of government have prevented these changes to made. ...

.05 Regionalization yes, but not for these tasks

Bennington Banner - Bennington, VT, USA

The Bennington Banner editorial, April 5, "This Idea Needs Work," is right on target. To be effective, i.e., getting beyond dreams to actualities, regional planning and industrial development need to be rooted in real-life live-in, spend-in, work-in communities, as constituted in Bennington, Manchester, and the other "places" of Bennington County. To gut or eliminate this area's regional planning and industrial groups, BCRC and BCIC, in favor of a single wider-area group, say all of Bennington and Rutland counties, would dilute the connections between plans and goals and what is actually likely to happen. It's fine to contemplate large regional development centers. They have a place, but not at the expense of the smaller regional centers already established and doing effective jobs. ... There is doubtless valid need for broader regional service centers. But they should be set up to complement, not replace, what is now done in planning and development at the municipal and county-levels. ...

.06 Hampton Roads summit tackles regional issues

Daily Press - Newport News, VA, USA

Hampton Roads residents, elected officials and regional bigwigs gathered Saturday morning in Hampton to discuss local politics, participation, education and outreach in the hopes of better connecting citizens with their leaders. ... Schneider argued that shaping public opinion is vital because the entire American political system is built with an incredibly high sensitivity to popular desires. "Politics is the enemy of problem solving," Schnieder said. But "when there is public pressure on government to do something – the barriers suddenly fall away." ... Searching for citizenship was the theme of the 2nd annual regional summit held by the Hampton Roads Center for Civic Engagement ... A crowd of about 300 showed up at the Hampton Roads Convention Center for the morning back and forth, which featured polls, questions-and-answer sessions and breakouts into small discussion groups. At issue was how to get citizens more active, and government more in tune with public desires. Regionalism has proved an elusive goal in Hampton Roads, a fractured constellation of cities and counties that stretches from Williamsburg to the Virginia Beach. Schnieder warned that cultural wars of the 1960's continue to influence debate and that residents tend to disengage when they see partisanship touch local decisions. "We're seeing the red and blue divisions infecting local governments," Schneider said. "It's not supposed to be about debating ideology, it's supposed to be about problem solving.",0,6699552.story

.07 Putnam hires arts coordinator in hopes of creating regional community

Norwich Bulletin - Norwich, CT, USA

Putnam town officials have chosen a candidate to head a study focused on nurturing and connecting the northeastern Connecticut arts community. Ellen Silbermann, of Union, will compile a database of information about artists from the area by June 1, with the future goal of establishing a regional arts agency. “Ellen shares a passion and realizes the importance of what the assessment can bring to northeastern Connecticut,” Economic Development Director Delpha Very said. The part-time position is funded by a $6,000 grant from the state Commission on Culture and Tourism and a matching grant from the Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments. The grant was awarded to Putnam to assess the town, as well as Union, Woodstock, Thompson, Eastford, Pomfret, Brooklyn, Killingly, Canterbury, Plainfield and Sterling. Silbermann is a member of the executive board of Performing Arts of Northeastern Connecticut, a member of the Eastern Regional Tourism board and chairman of the Union Free Public Library. ...

.08 Council approves water-supply plan

Finance and Commerce - MN, USA

The Metropolitan Council approved a regional water-supply plan designed to help future generations meet their water needs. A goal of the plan is to ensure adequate water supplies for generations to come. It gives communities regionally consistent data and analyses to evaluate water availability and the regional effects of water withdrawals. It also includes a water supply profile for each community in the seven-county region. The profiles have specific information about water demand and water supply sources, including supply options available to the community. “A basic goal of this plan is to give communities sufficient information so that they won’t be surprised if conditions are imposed on them when they seek permission from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to make additional groundwater appropriations,” said Keith Buttleman, who heads the council’s Environmental Quality Assurance department. ...

.09 There's plenty of water available for North Texas

Star Telegram - Fort Worth, TX, USA

... the Region C Water Planning Group (16 such groups cover every part of Texas, from Region A in the Panhandle to Region P on the Gulf Coast). The Region C group includes people like the heads of North Texas water supply agencies, engineers and business leaders. Believe it, these people are absolute water nerds. Hard to think they'd be any fun at a party. Here's the deal: By Oct. 1, they're supposed to send a 50-year water plan to Austin. They update it every five years. They do that because the people who are even higher up the water nerd food chain get all upset about the water supply running short if they don't. They've actually figured out how much water you or your grandkid and the other 12,999,999 people (for real) who will live in the region will need in 2060. It's about twice as much as what's available now. They believe they know how to get it and you won't have to sell your house to pay for it. The bad part is, it'll take some sacrifice. There's a lot of conservation in the plan and a lot of cool things like filtering river water through natural wetlands so it can be reused. It also calls for connecting to several lakes that don't serve the region now, as well as building three lakes (people who have land that would be underwater in a new lake usually get upset and want to stop it). That part will cost some money. You can look at the proposal, called the Initially Prepared Plan (what did you expect? -- remember, nerds came up with the name, too) at

.10 Water bills go up in down economy as usage drops

... recent study by the Water Research Foundation, a Denver-based non-profit, on the recession's impact on water utilities found that home foreclosures and business contractions have reduced water demand in many areas. Cities with high unemployment also have seen reduced water consumption as people move away in search of jobs, said Rob Renner, the foundation's executive director. "It depends on where you are in the country. Regionally, the economy is better in some places than in others," he said. Water companies for the most part get their money from customers. When water consumption goes up, revenue goes up — and when consumption falls, revenue dips. ...

.11 Area vies for Google network - Dartmouth, VT, USA

... Given the number of applications, the Upper Valley’s chances are somewhat slim, Williams said. He added, however, that there are several factors that may make the region a desirable choice for Google. “I think the Upper Valley has a couple positives,” he said. “It’s underserved, and Google is looking to put its network in places where it’s actually needed. Also, Dartmouth would be a nice academic partner for Google to test the potential of its new network.” He also acknowledged, however, that the Upper Valley may face a “slower speed of deployment” compared to other regions because it crosses two states and thus deals with two separate regulatory bodies. Peter Glenshaw, Dartmouth’s director of community relations, said that the collaborative nature of the area also makes it a perfect “test ground” for Google. “This is an area with a history of innovation around regional community-based cooperation,” he said. “We have the kind of social capital in the Upper Valley that makes this more than just about bringing advanced technology into a community. We’re the kind of place where our connectedness as citizens means that we can really leverage this to do some extraordinary things.” ...

.12 Manzella: Google or no, I love Lansing

Lansing State Journal - Lansing, MI, USA

A group of volunteers spent way too much time together over the past few weeks working on the Google Fiber-to-Home Initiative, and whether Google chooses Greater Lansing as the test site for ultra-high speed fiber or not, we need to be proud of our effort. The deluge of support from residents, organizations, and municipalities throughout the region is a testament to what we as a region are capable of. This is how regionalism works - no attempts to scuttle the boat for a seat at the helm. Was it messy? Yes. Could things have gone differently? Probably. Did we do what was needed to get the job done? Without a doubt. This past month was much bigger than anything Google could have hoped to put together. ... our leaders and our neighbors banded together with one loud voice to tell anyone who would listen that we are proud of our home town, ... That is something far more valuable than what Google could give us, and it is something we gave to ourselves. ...

.13 Northeast Tennessee Regional Effort Behind First Pharmacy School Graduates

PR Newswire

When 66 newly-minted pharmacists at East Tennessee State University (ETSU) — the first graduating class of the Gatton College of Pharmacy — get their diplomas in a few weeks, it will be not only a personal triumph but also a victory of community spirit. ... The school's first graduation is a sweet moment for Stanton, who has "a clear memory of the regional teamwork that made it all possible." It is also good news in the economic development community, which recognizes the importance of healthcare in attracting and retaining businesses and jobs. "This event enhances our credibility as a market that is in good shape," said Tom Ferguson, CEO and president of the Regional Alliance for Economic Development for Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia.... Regional Alliance for Economic Development for Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia.

.14 Upbeat regional tourism outlook for 2010

Prairie Business Magazine - Grand Forks, ND, USA

As the recession starts to fade and the recovery begins, the national tourism industry is looking forward to a stronger year after taking its lumps last year. Twenty percent of the 2,200 travelers questioned by D.K. Shifflet & Associates in a recent survey said they are planning more leisure trips in the first half of 2010 compared with last year. The regional outlook for the 2010 tourism season also looks to be improved in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota, three states that fared better than the rest of the nation last year. ... North Dakota was also the only state in the nation to post an increase in revenue per available room in 2009 compared with 2008.... tourism department’s marketing strategy, which has focused most of its efforts regionally throughout the last decade, has made the most out of its limited budget.

.15 Grant would promote 'regional approach' to development

Compensating for the loss of the Chrysler Stamping Plant has been Director of Planning and Community Development Larry Finch's primary focus since the announcement last year that the plant would close. With the help of some federal funding and assistance from county and regional workers, he hopes to continue this focus for the next year or so. Finch said the city, Summit County and the Northeast Ohio Four County Regional Planning and Development Organization jointly applied for a $134,000 Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration. The grant would pay for 75 percent of Finch's $83,530 salary as Twinsburg's director of development and community planning, as well as a portion of the salaries of a NEFCO employee and a Summit County employee. The grant would save the city about $63,000. The latter two would work with Finch on a yearlong project to promote local and regional job creation in the Twinsburg area. ...

.16 New Community Campaign “Step Up!”

CW Notes - Peoria, IL

A new community campaign is calling for the region to ‘step up’. Dozens of community residents, local volunteers, regional CEO’s, elected officials and small business leaders gathered for the unveiling of a new community wide campaign called “I’m Stepping Up.”The Heartland Partnership President &CEO, Jim McConoughey, revealed the details today saying “We are coming out of a very difficult economic period and this campaign gives people an outlet to share good news. It’s an opportunity for them to tell what they are doing to keep moving this region forward.” The campaign centers on a blue box that people are being encouraged to step up onto and tell their story. “We hope to see these blue boxes at a business’s front desk, at community events or even on someone’s front porch. We want the community to own this and step up.” There is also a corresponding website at where you will find videos and testimonials of people stepping up along with ideas on how you can step up.

.17 MARC Receives Walmart Foundation Workforce Grant

Kansas City infoZine News

The Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) was awarded a two-year, $500,000 America Works grant from the Walmart Foundation to sustain the impact of OneKC WIRED, a regional workforce development initiative. The Kansas City region was one of seven regions chosen to receive a WIRED award. The America Works initiative provides funds to established regional partnerships capable of implementing accelerated strategies that connect unemployed individuals to long-term, family-sustaining employment. Over the past four years OneKC WIRED has supported a regional network of public workforce agencies and private industry partners. These public agencies and private partners will work with MARC to implement the key objectives identified in the America Works grant:

* Sustain, and expand upon, the successes and accomplishments of the OneKC WIRED initiative.

* Develop a workforce data network to provide regional partners with updated, accurate and consistent information necessary to ...

.18 Metro's growth plans envision grand future

Metro, the regional government for the greater Portland area, has an ambitious catchphrase to describe the work now engaging its planners, researchers and elected officials. They call it, "Making the Greatest Place." Planners, academics and bloggers cast Portland as either a model or a bad example for future American cities-how to handle the growth that will swamp the region during the next couple decades. One side believes that careful planning can result in an urban core that is dense, diverse and vibrant, with farms, forests and natural areas remaining intact at the edge of cities. They believe the area can be clean and green, with robust transportation choices, alternative energy systems and walkable neighborhoods. Jobs will be keyed to high-tech and higher education. Development groups are skeptical.-One official says the Portland area's restrictive growth policies will create a "doughnut hole" at the center, with jobs and development flowing to counties outside the metro region.

.19 Piedmont Triad Partnership to Launch Lifelong Learning and Literacy Program

dBusinessNews - North Carolina

The Piedmont Triad Partnership (PTP) -“Get Not Out of Your Life” The initiative is designed to promote literacy and lifelong learning and brand the Piedmont Triad as the leader in building a well-educated, qualified and motivated workforce. What does it mean to Get Not Out of Your Life? It means that anyone who told you that you’re not smart enough, not the right age or not qualified can be proven wrong. Piedmont Triad residents wishing to improve their literacy skills, gain job skills, or get a college certificate or degree, can do so, with support from literacy providers, tutors, schools and community colleges. The result is a competitive regional workforce that will accelerate economic recovery in the Piedmont Triad Region. “Lifelong learning and literacy skills are the foundation of our regional economic prosperity. To be globally competitive, businesses expanding and relocating in the region need to know ours is a region with a highly-skilled workforce,” ...

.20 New 2030 Group to look at issues in D.C. region

Washington Business Journal - Washington, D.C., USA

A group of business leaders, university officials and economic forecasters launched - a regional planning group that will explore ways to make improvements in areas such as quality jobs, transportation, environmental awareness and education. Alan Merten, president of George Mason University, and C. D. Mote, Jr., president of the University of Maryland, hosted the first event of the organization, called the 2030 Group-Stephen Fuller, Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University, Jacques Gansler, University of Maryland’s Center for Public Policy & Private Enterprise, who predicted significant economic and job growth in the next two decades for an area that already is the fourth-largest regional economy in United States and 11th in world. The 2030 Group joins a pool of regional planning organizations including the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government’s Greater Washington 2050 Initiative, The Chesapeake Crescent Initiative and the Greater Washington Board of Trade. ...

.21 Commentary: Metropolitan Development Association of Syracuse and Central NewYork says Onondaga County sales tax revenue-sharing debate an opportunity - Syracuse, NY, USA

... County Executive Joanie Mahoney and Mayor Stephanie Miner have taken an important first step by working together to resolve this issue. The business community is largely aligned with their goals; however we would urge transitional provisions and structural changes to better sustain long-term regional development. In a detailed white paper delivered to key stakeholders, the region’s business community has proposed core principles we hope will guide the debate: The city of Syracuse should receive 25 percent of sales tax revenue. Syracuse faces unique challenges, aging infrastructure, a dependent school district, and its largest employers — SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse University and St. Joseph’s Hospital — are largely tax exempt. Major investments by these institutions create new jobs and provide essential services to county residents. These are growth engines for our entire region. We know of no thriving regional economy that does not have a vibrant city at its heart. ...

.22 Cities, Skills and Wages - Abstract

Martin Prosperity Institute Research

This research examines the effect of skill in cities on regional wages. In place of the extant literature’s focus on human capital or knowledge-based or creative occupations, we focus our analysis on actual skills. We use cluster analysis to identify three broad skill types – analytical, social intelligence and physical skills from 87 occupational skills. We then conduct regression analysis to quantify how each skill contributes to regional prosperity and how they are related to regional size, using data from 1999 and 2008. We find that analytical and social intelligence skills have a significant positive effect on regional wages, while physical skills have a negative effect. We also find that analytical skills are somewhat more closely associated with regional wages than social intelligence skills, after controlling for education and regional size. Furthermore, we find that the wage return to analytical and social intelligence skills has increased over time, and the return to physical skills has declined significantly. We also show that larger cities reward analytical and social intelligence skills to a higher degree, whereas smaller cities tend to rely more on physical skills.

Download this working paper

.23 K is for Knowledge

Planners Web - Planning Commisssioners Journal - USA

The development of community and regional planning policy, when done well, is an exercise in the rational application of knowledge (information and relationships) to the determination of just, equitable, appropriate, economically efficient, and politically effective public actions. Rational planning assumes the availability of data upon which to make decisions. But in the early 1900s, when the first large-scale modern city plans were created, such data simply did not exist. ... Responsible planning is a creative art using data from the past and knowledge of interrelationships to create new and better communities for the future.

.24 Seven Counties Services, Inc., a private, not-for-profit corporation, is the state-designated regional behavioral health and developmental services center

Seven Counties Services, Inc., a private, not-for-profit corporation, is the state-designated regional behavioral health and developmental services center for Bullitt, Henry, Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, and Trimble counties of Kentucky. The mission of Seven Counties is to build healthy communities by helping individuals and families who are affected by mental illness, developmental disabilities, addictions and abuse realize their potential.-The organization is the largest non-hospital, not-for-profit and one of the top thirty employers in the Louisville metro area. Seven Counties is one of 14 comprehensive community mental health and developmental services centers in Kentucky and one of the largest in the nation. In business - terms, it is a “medium-sized” company with approximately 1,400 employees assisted by more than 400 volunteers. It serves about 32,000 persons each year. The organization delivers services at approximately 20 sites and 90 schools throughout the region. ...

.25 Purdue Calumet focusing strategically on student success, regional development

Purdue University Calumet – IN, USA

Purdue University Calumet is focusing on strategies to increase its number of graduates and to expand support for regional economic growth two years into its six-year strategic plan, Chancellor Howard Cohen reported to the Purdue Board of Trustees today (4/9). Within the context of its five-goal plan – Foster Engaged Learning, Prepare an Educated Workforce & Citizenry for Northwest Indiana, Improve Student Success, Increase Support for Faculty & Staff Excellence, and Develop a Vibrant Campus Community – Purdue Calumet is advancing strategies to attract, retain and graduate more success-oriented, degree-persistent students. “Purdue Calumet is a tremendous resource for Northwest Indiana,” Cohen said, “and we are in the process of growing ourselves into a full service, regional university. We are committed to producing more graduates and helping expand the high-quality, high-level jobs that will retain those graduates in our communities.” ...

.26 'Passport' initiative focuses on victim safety - CT, USA

Since 1994, the federal Violence Against Women Act has - in theory, at least - guaranteed such cross-jurisdictional cooperation, requiring that all state and tribal courts enforce valid protection orders. In reality, efforts to achieve the goal continue, ... event was attended by more than 60 representatives of more than a dozen state and tribal governments "Extending Project Passport," whose goal is to encourage states and tribes to adopt a readily recognizable model for the first page of protective orders, "Protective orders can vary from one to dozens of pages," "It's essential that the first page contain information that the courts and law enforcement officers need." Project Passport, a precursor of the current effort, oversaw the regional development of a first-page template, an effort spearheaded by Kentucky and seven surrounding states in 2000. Today, more than 30 states have incorporated the template in their orders of protection ...

.27 "Operation Bootstrap" Orientation Saturday

Du Quoin Evening Call - Du Quoin, IL, USA

Round four of the popular and successful Operation Bootstrap, a training program from the Southern Illinois University Carbondale entrepreneurship team, is kicking off soon. The program is open to aspiring and new business owners in the southern 16 counties of Illinois. Already 102 graduates from the first three classes are reaping the benefits of the business-training program. The SIUC Office of Economic and Regional Development’s Entrepreneurship and Business Development Unit and the Delta Regional Authority provide the training for “Operation Bootstrap: Seeding Southern Illinois Start-ups” to unemployed or underemployed low- and moderate-income residents in the Illinois Delta counties. A new class session will begin in June. However, all who are interested in the intensive, 12-session program must attend an orientation session, which provides information about how the program works and all of the requirements. ...

.28 Third Frontier regional update on April 8

Dayton Daily News - Dayton, OH, USA

Businesses can get an update next week on Ohio’s Third Frontier program, which economic development leaders say has helped boost the technology sector’s growth and employment. ... Speakers are to include Jim Leftwich, president and chief executive officer of the coalition; Phillip Parker, president and CEO of the Dayton Chamber, and Jo Ann Davidson, former speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives. Ohio voters will be asked, through ballot Issue 1 in the May 4 primary election, to extend the Third Frontier program by approving $700 million in bonds. Leaders of the Dayton regional community have said they hope to see the Third Frontier program extended. The program’s current bonding authority was approved by voters in 2005, but is set to expire in 2012. ...

.29 Council continues work on spending plan

Northern Virginia Daily - Strasburg, VA, USA

... More organizations likely will be considered priorities as council members communicate with the city manager's office this week. Others on the panel mentioned Apple Country Head Start and Northwestern Regional Community Services as programs that should be protected. "If we cut funding to the Northwestern Regional Community Services board, we're going to see detrimental effects," Councilman Evan Clark said. The program provides resources to children and adults with disabilities, mental illness and addiction. "That's just a critical service," he said. City Manager Jim O'Connor said a proposed $20,000 allocation to the Shenandoah Area Agency on Aging could be cut. ...

.31 Regional group gets city’s support

The Daily Republic - Mitchell, SD, USA

The director of the newly renamed Dakota Heartland Development Association said Tuesday he was surprised by and appreciative of the unanimous decision by the Mitchell City Council to contribute $10,000 to the association’s efforts. “I recognize that $10,000 in anybody’s budget these days is a lot of money,” said David Lambert, who is based in Mitchell. “We’re out there just like everybody to scratch to keep up.” The council voted Monday evening for the payment to the association, which was established in 2007 as a way to offer developmental assistance to small communities in the Mitchell region. Until recently, the group was called the Regional Development Association. ... Councilman Mel Olson said he believes in the work being done by the association, especially considering the relationship between Mitchell and smaller, surrounding communities. “Without those little towns, I think we die,” Olson said Monday. ...

.32 16 suburbs, including Dedham, consider combining services

Your Town-Dedham - Boston, MA, USA

With the financial plight of local governments showing no sign of easing soon, 16 Norfolk County communities are exploring whether there are new ways they can share services to lower costs and streamline operations. ... chief elected officials from the communities will attend a 7:30 p.m. meeting at Raffael’s function facility in Walpole, and on April 14, when the administrators and managers assemble again at Walpole town hall. Boynton said the intent is to identify ‘‘opportunities there are for regional service delivery. ‘‘There have been some efforts in the past’’ to define those potential areas of collaboration, including discussions of a possible regional public safety dispatch service, he said. ‘‘Now we are looking at other aspects, everything potentially from animal control to veterans’ services, to others.’’ He said tonight’s focus is to ‘‘establish a dialogue with policy makers for the various communities to see what services they would like to pursue’’ on a regional level. ...

.33 Bay, Midland and Saginaw Chambers of Commerce discuss Great Lakes Bay Region rebranding process - MI, USA

The presidents of the Bay, Midland and Saginaw Area Chambers of Commerce gave a three-point perspective on the new Great Lakes Bay Region moniker - The three are all members of the Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance, formerly Vision TriCounty, and were heavily involved in the rebranding process. Among the first things done to further the region as a whole was the development of the Great Lakes Bay Region caucus in Lansing, which Seward noted is comprised of area politicians from both the State Senate and the House and from both sides of the aisle. Saginaw Chamber of Commerce president Bob VanDeventer told the audience the regional identity had been a long time coming, with several attempts made at regional branding throughout the past two decades. He said they attempted to create an image of what the region is — innovative, cooperative and eco-friendly — to counter the non-existent or slightly negative conception of the Great Lakes Bay Region held previously ...

.34 4 Northeast towns will cut grass, costs

Norwich Bulletin - Norwich, CT, USA

It doesn’t matter if you’re a homeowner or a town official, warm weather means mowing. And several northeastern Connecticut towns will soon get a new tool to add to their grass-cutting arsenal. As part of a pilot regionalization project, Connecticut Light & Power recently agreed to buy a new $112,000 tractor/mower for the towns of Woodstock, Eastford, Ashford & Union. The John Deere 6330 industrial mower — with flail extension — will be delivered in July & shared by the host municipalities with the understanding they will be responsible for trimming brush, grass & brambles from under the miles of power lines in their respective towns. And as long as the grass under CL&P’s wires is kept cut, the towns are free to use the machine for whatever other roadside clearing crops up. Cooperation “This is a good example of the sort of regionalization we’re always talking about,” Woodstock First Selectman Allan Walker Jr. said. “No one told us to do this, we all came to an agreement ourselves. ...

.35 Fire District 1's plans bumping up against growing cities

HeraldNet - Everett, WA, USA

“The common denominator I'm seeing between the cities is they are looking at what their future boundaries or potential future boundaries are, and that's all they're looking at. And that's very understandable,” Kenny said. “But they don't necessarily look at the big picture of the region. To me, that's the difference between individual cities looking at their needs and the fire district looking at region-wide needs.” Is bigger better? Fire District 1 wants to protect most of south county, but it doesn't have a plan for getting there. The district's 2006 strategic plan listed “regionalization” as the second of 11 goals, but is silent on specifics. “We don't have a current strategic plan,” Fire District 1 leaders are certain about one thing: Bigger is better. Bigger, they argue, is more efficient and better for the people who receive their service. ...

.36 Fredonia To Host Forum On Local Government Consolidation

The Post Journal - Jamestown. NY

The State University at Fredonia's Center for Regional Advancement will host a forum to discuss the new law affecting consolidation of local governments in New York state. - "This forum will be an opportunity for residents to learn more about the new opportunities that empower them to make positive changes in their local governmental structure," said Chuck Cornell, center director. "The center strives to fulfill its mission of being a catalyst for regional governance in rural Western New York." The N.Y. Government Reorganization and Citizen Empowerment Act establishes uniform procedures for the consolidation or dissolution of local government. These procedures apply to the consolidation and dissolution of towns, villages, fire districts, fire protection districts, fire alarm districts, special improvement districts or other improvement districts, library districts, and other districts created by law. ...

.37 Online social networking boon, burden for police – Maine, USA

"It's actually been a double-edged sword for law enforcement," he said. Social networking "has opened up a wealth of information that's publicly available to law enforcement, but on the other hand it's opened up a complete new frontier of crime." ... The rise in cyber crime forces law enforcement to change the way it does business, Dean said. For example, patrol will always be the backbone of law enforcement, but somehow more emphasis needs to be put on cyber crime. He said he wouldn't be surprised if someday departments pool their resources and investigate these crimes as a regional task force, just as authorities cooperate regionally to operate the Strafford County tactical team. ...

.38 Terror Threat Tracking System Shares Thousands of Tips from Locals, FBI Says

Security Management Online - Alexandria, VA, USA

The reporting agency—local, state, or federal—then enters the information into an external eGuardian portal. The report is then reviewed by an intelligence analyst or trained law enforcement officer, typically at a state or regional intelligence fusion center. If the report constitutes a legitimate SAR, it is designated within eGuardian for follow-up by an FBI-led regional Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). The SARs are simultaneously analyzed regionally and nationally to spot patterns. JTTFs, composed of local, state, and federal officers, form the “tip of the spear” in domestic terrorism investigations, explained fellow panelist Tom O’Reilly, a senior policy advisor with the Department of Justice assigned to the inter-agency National SAR Initiative (NSI).

11. Other Regional Community News for Our Local Planet Contents

.01 Sir Harry Studholme defends regional development agencies

"We were not an additional tier [of government]," says Sir Harry. "We were a mechanism to deal with things at that level that are problematic for Whitehall. None of the budget that was transferred into the RDAs came from a lower tier than national." He adds: "The impact has been good. If you went back to the 1990s, under the last Tory regime, there was a big cry for one-stop-shops to pull the [Government] interfaces with business into one place. That pulling into one place of the business relationships, the regeneration, the inward investment, the rural activities, it has made something that is greater than the sum of its parts." Since the RDAs were set up in 1999, the Labour government has expanded their remit further. Even after the demise of the planned elected regional assemblies that were designed to act as a democratic check on their decision making powers, additional responsibilities like skills and training and housing planning have been added. ...

.02 Fighting for a better deal in the region still tops agenda

JournalLive - UK

OVER the past few months, this newspaper has been setting out its ‘Case for the North East’ – a campaign designed, among other things, to ensure the region retains a distinctive voice and can develop the transport and digital connectivity to enable it to compete in the 21st Century. Campaigning political journalism of this sort is nothing new for The Journal. More than a decade ago the paper launched a similar campaign called the Case for the North.Although that sounds as if it was about what has since become known as the “generic North,” including the North West and Yorkshire, it wasn’t really. It was always about eliminating the disadvantages faced by this region.Essentially the goals of the two campaigns are the same – a better deal for the North East in a country where economic and political power tends to be concentrated in London and the South East. ...

.03 A Canada with three Ontarios?

The Windsor Star - Windsor, ON, CA

I was born in Fort Frances, Ont. I was raised in small towns around it, such as Emo and Nestor Falls. This is in the region of northwestern Ontario. My home would be in the new northern Ontario if a three-way division of our province occurs. I cannot imagine a Canada with three "Ontarios." Granted, we are the largest in terms of population but that being said, it's the status quo. If you ask an Ontarian where they are from in the world, they respond with Canada. Dividing us by three will change that. We don't need added regionalism to the mix of problems facing the nation. We need to keep Canada as whole as possible. I hope this was just an opinion hoping to stir things up in a slow news week. … I know many Windsorites who are unhappy with the Toronto-centric provincial parliament, but making Toronto south a province would only serve to diminish the voices of non-Torontonians. … My home is Ontario, Canada. I want it to stay that way. We don't need change for the sake of change.

.04 Time too short to shrink Region: councillors

Welland Tribune - Ontario, CA

Politicians have started informally discussing a potential downsizing of regional council. Fort Erie Mayor Doug Martin wants to nearly halve the current 31-member contingent, a move he believes would make regional council more fair and efficient. Martin is calling for a council featuring all 12 Niagara mayors, one chair and six additional regional councillors split between the three biggest municipalities, which would include three for St. Catharines, two for Niagara Falls and one for Welland. Goulbourne said there has been a "groundswell" of interest over the past several years regarding regional governance. ... But he'd also like to hear what other people from throughout the region have to say about the issue. "I want to be sure we hear several ideas before we as a region decide what we think is best. But I think (Martin) has proposed something that could help us."

.05 MRW - GMWDA: Manchester city region plans will not change present waste system

Materials Recycling Week - UK

Communities Secretary John Denham outlined historic plans for the country’s first ever combined authority covering the whole of Greater Manchester, in a new flagship ‘city-region’ with powers devolved from Whitehall over issues such as climate change and economic development.-The waste disposal authority has and will continue to work well in partnership with all councils, with respect to the waste services in Greater Manchester in general as part of the Environment Commission for the city region to develop ways which can drive the agenda in becoming a low carbon economic area.” plans for a city region in Greater Manchester “Greater Manchester is an economic powerhouse in the north west making a huge contribution to regional and national output. This pioneering body will lead the way nationally allowing local leaders to take effective and co-ordinated control of the whole city region’s economic recovery and seize opportunities for growth as they open up in the future.” ...

.06 McKew calls for regional focus in Western Sydney

Government News - Australia

Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Development and Local Government, Maxine McKew, has urged all levels of government to work together in navigating future challenges in Western Sydney. Speaking at the Regional Governance Futures Workshop in Penrith, Ms McKew called on councils to take a regional focus. “Just over one in every 11 Australians lives in Western Sydney - it is a region of amazing diversity and opportunity,” she said. “Population growth in the area will present many opportunities, ... a intergovernmental approach was required for dealing with the challenges of population growth. “The Rudd Government firmly believes that all three tiers of government in this country have a responsibility to ensure that every Australian, no matter where they live, has equitable access to social, educational and economic opportunity,” she said. ... connect with the Australian Government's Regional Development Australia (RDA) Sydney committee. ...

.07 Global Wellbeing Surveys Find Nations Worlds Apart


Gallup's global snapshot of wellbeing reveals a vast divide that underscores the diversity of economic development challenges around the world. The percentage who are "thriving" ranges from a high of 82% in Denmark to a low of 1% in Togo. Using data collected in 155 countries or areas since 2005, Gallup classifies respondents as "thriving," "struggling," or "suffering," according to how they rate their current and future lives on a ladder scale based on the Cantril Self-Anchoring Striving Scale. Adults within each of the four major regions are often worlds apart in how they evaluate their lives. Africa has the lowest wellbeing; no country in this region has a thriving percentage higher than 25%. ...

.08 Making Hanoi the bully pulpit for regional cooperation

The Jakarta Post - Jakarta, Indonesia

... use the Hanoi summit as a bully pulpit to elaborate to fellow members and regional friends, once and for all, Indonesia's vision for a regional architecture. Until recently, Jakarta has been somewhat vague on its approach to the structure of regional cooperation. Instead of pursuing a set strategy to realize a vision towards a course for regional integration and security cooperation, it has instead made idiosyncratic adjustments to justify a myriad of conventions. Diplomacy has been, in effect, a reactive process in the absence of a collective vision to act upon. Taglines such as "thousands of friends, zero enemies" are headline rhetoric that do not contribute to strategic thinking. Some ASEAN members in the EAS are seeking stricter definitions between the EAS and the ASEAN Plus Three. These countries, including ASEAN members themselves, need to define where to allocate resources and expectations for realistic functional cooperation.

.09 Quick Edit | Numbers make a country - The Census is a useful reminder of the idea of India - India

… Much has changed since the first national Census in 1872, and the enormity of the exercise now is compelling: 2.5 million officials will fan out across more than 7,000 towns and 600,000 villages in an effort to capture the lives of 1.2 billion people. There have been qualitative changes too, and this Census will, for the first time, take into account the penetration of the Internet, mobile telephony and banking services, providing valuable insights into the country’s socio-economic growth. The benefits are palpable— from facilitating public policy to addressing internal security concerns to formulating corporate marketing strategies. But there is also a more abstract fallout: In the debates over regionalism, secessionism, political fractures and economic inequities, we often lose sight of basic unifying processes. The Census is a useful reminder of the idea of India.

.10 National Integration Council reconstitued

The government today announced the reconstitution of the National Integration Council (NIC) to reflect the changes in the union cabinet as also the wider political and social fabric. The 147-member NIC, headed by the prime minister, has union ministers, chief ministers of states and union territories, heads of political parties, eminent media persons, public figures, representatives of business and women's representatives as members. The NIC was set up in 1961 by the then prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru following a National Integration Conference held in September-October 1961 to find ways and means to combat the evils of communalism, casteism, regionalism linguism and to formulate definite conclusions in order to give a lead to the country. ...

.11 We’ll implement all promises: CM

Deccan Herald - Bangalore, India

Bangalore, Chief Minister Yeddyurappa on Monday said the BJP government will keep its promise to spend Rs 22,500 crore in the next three years to boost infrastructure of the State capital. Addressing a press conference soon after it became clear that the BJP has captured BBMP Council with complete majority, Yeddyurappa said the government will implement all promises made in the party manifesto in a time bound manner to make Bangalore a “model global metro”. He said an action plan for over Rs 22,500 crore had already been prepared and would be implemented over the next three years. The Bangalore Regional Governance Bill which among others envisages decentralising administration to the ward-level will be put in place soon. ... This will ensure better coordination and enable empowering ward-level committees. It will also bring increased accountability and efficiency in planning and execution of works”, he said. ...

.12 North Korea Needs to Set Up Practical IT Training and Certification Systems

... North Korea is well aware that the IT industry would take centre stage in its endeavor to build a strong, prosperous nation, and has shown a high degree of cooperation with the South in this sector. In other words, the North believes that resource-hungry nations can stand on their own with the help of high value-added IT industries. The promotion of the IT industry can be done in a way that could minimize the extent of market opening, so it is indeed a suitable industry for the North to build. In addition, the North recognizes that computers are indispensible to the North surviving in an era of knowledge and information and are a must in achieving economic growth. The reason why the North wants inter-Korean collaboration in the IT sector is because it has acknowledged the capability of the South’s IT production base. South Korea can benefit from this as well: it can take advantage of the North’s cheap, but highly skilled IT talent to develop software in relatively advanced areas. ...

.13 From the ‘Death Strip’ to a new green lifeline

Korea Herald -

Ever since German unification in 1990 the interest in Korea to research the similarities and differences between both countries has been high. Now, after 20 years, many researchers have taken the opportunity to look back to the developments in Germany after unification. While many reviews generalize (and sometimes over-generalize) the similarities, there is one field, where similarities are indeed given and able to teach a lesson, namely in the border region. In both cases the border has, due to military conflict, been shut and economic development stagnated, with the beneficial side effect of the preservation of pristine nature.-Hanns-Seidel-Foundation, a German think tank-began to cooperate with Goseong County and one year later with Gangwon Province, in particular the Research Institute for Gangwon, the regional spatial planning institute, to cooperate on planning for sustainable development and preservation of the environment in the inner-Korean border area. ...

.14 Russian envoy to North Caucasus names main regional problems

RIA Novosti - Russia

Russian presidential envoy to the North Caucasus Alexander Khloponin described the problems of unemployment, housing and education as three main threats facing the region. The statement came during Khloponin's visit to the volatile North Caucasus republic of Chechnya, the first since he was appointed presidential envoy to the region by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. ... "I found out that key problems are problems of unemployment. We should make it possible for young people, in particular, to work and see the perspective. The housing problem for young families is also important, as well as the problem of education," he told a news conference ... He said the overcoming of these problems would become a basis of the regional development strategy, which will focus on tourism, agriculture and construction. - "I believe that we should provide spiritual education to more people, so that they would really understand that is Islam, Orthodoxy, and other faiths, what religion teaches us," …

.15 A Policy Dialogue Platform | Promoting Better Governance

eGov monitor - UK

A report commissioned by the Digital and New Media team at Regional Development Agency Yorkshire Forward shows that employment in the sector has grown by 16% between 1998 and 2008 – higher than any other UK region. “Digital and New Media is a developing sector with huge potential for both job creation and inward investment, which is why it has been identified as a priority sector by Yorkshire Forward. “Yorkshire and Humber has a thriving digital community, thanks in part to Yorkshire Forward’s commitment to the sector, and its continued growth and development will play a large part in furthering the region’s reputation as a leading centre of excellence in the digital and new media industries.” More than 113,000 people are now employed by Yorkshire and Humber’s 15,000 DNM businesses, along with 20,000 freelance workers, in a sector that covers web design and creative, film, TV, games, music, video, electronics, animation, e-learning, enterprise software, & IT solutions and services. ...

.16 Picture agency crops up with contract

Yorkshire Post - Yorkshire, UK

A leading independent Yorkshire picture agency has won a contract to produce a body of work to showcase the region. Bradford-based Guzelian was awarded the commission by regional intelligence network Yorkshire Futures to document 21st Century life. The picture agency has worked with Yorkshire clients including set-top box maker Pace and credit lender Provident Financial. ... Yorkshire Futures communications manager Ian Aspinall said: "Guzelian have an excellent track record in delivering high-quality images for a range of diverse media and we look forward to working with them on this project. The photographs will appear in a variety of publications."

.17 Regional leaders meet at forum

The Northern View - British Columbia, CA

For a day and a half leaders from around the North Coast met to discuss a variety of regional issues at a Community-to-Community forum -representatives from Prince Rupert, Port Edward, Metlakatla, Lax Kw’alaams, Hartley Bay, Kitkatla and the Skeena Queen Charlotte Regional District “The first day was a bit of an overview but also looked at issues that we have in common that we could work together on. We have had success in the past working together on these issues, including getting the primary care clinic and the day rehabilitation program,” This time around the issues discussed included the need for a fisheries plan, waste management plans, alternate energy sources and the development of regional tourism. “There are things that attract people and could bring people to the area that don’t leave a large footprint or are marine related, and we discussed those in terms of regional tourism...A great example would be Pike Island and kayaking and trails in the area," ...

.18 Millions of Sea Turtles Captured, Killed by Fisheries

Discovery News - USA

... highest bycatch rates reported were from Baja, Calif., Mexico (longlines), Uruguay (trawls) and from the North Adriatic region of the Mediterranean (gillnets). Overall, however, four regions emerged as being the most urgent conservation priorities: the Mediterranean, the Eastern Pacific, the Southwest Atlantic and the Northwest Atlantic. In the Mediterranean, for example, "21 countries fish an area that is less than 2 percent the total surface area of the Pacific Ocean and less than 30 percent of the total land area of the United States," Wallace said. "The European Environmental Agency estimated that 65 percent of all fish stocks in the Mediterranean are overfished." The sea turtle population has suffered tremendously as a result of bycatch losses, with six of the seven marine turtle species currently categorized as "Vulnerable," "Endangered" or "Critically Endangered" globally by the IUCN Red List.

To combat the problem, Wallace and his team recommend regional governance, such as establishing marine protected areas. They also propose sustainable fisheries reform, including seasonal and time-area closures to fisheries, as well as selective gear modification, such as the use of circle hooks and Turtle Excluder Devices. Responsible seafood consumption by consumers is also key. ...

.19 Personal Computer Inventor Dies: Invented First PC

KTLA-TV - Los Angeles, CA, USA

His name may not be as familiar as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. But to those personal computer icons and some historians, Dr. H. Edward Roberts is the father of the modern PC. Roberts created the MITS Altair, the first inexpensive general-purpose microcomputer, a device that could be programmed to do all manner of tasks. Bill Gates also had a personal connection to Roberts. When the Microsoft founder was a student at Harvard, he wrote software for the MITS Altair. That gave Gates and his partner, Paul Allen, their start into the world of the personal computer. The product they created for Roberts' computer, Microsoft Basic, was the beginning of what would become the world's largest software company and would make its founders billionaires many times over. When the Altair was introduced in the mid-1970s, personal computers were mainly intriguing electronic gadgets for hobbyists. Roberts saw his invention as just that -- a nice little business that he sold and moved on. ...,0,5522826.story

12. Blogging about Regional Communities Contents

.01 Barnstable County Charter Review Committee

Charter Review Committee Weblog

March 1, 2010 Minutes - Barnstable County Charter Review Committee - Cape Cod, Massachusetts ... The uniqueness of Cape Cod and the purpose of regionalization are expressed well in the Preamble. ... Relying solely on towns to deal with regional issues is not feasible and there is a need for the County Government to increase its role. There are new problems that the County is faced with that cross town lines such as wastewater, pond studies, etc… It would be wise if all 15 towns came together to get a stronger sense of collaboration on these new problems. Mr. Howard read the current concerns of the Business Roundtable and the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce to the Committee. Their concerns are about the region’s ability to identify, plan, and implement solutions to address crucial regional issues. It is not feasible or economically sound for individual towns to finance and tackle regional issues. The concerns went on to add that the time and necessity is upon the County to realize the economies of cooperation and singular solutions to our common challenges. ... [Note - full minutes worth a look. Ed]

.02 Essex Heritage Board of Trustees Adopt Strategic Plan

Essex Happenings

On April 6, 2010 the Essex Heritage Board of Trustees was presented with an updated version of the Essex Heritage strategic plan and the plan was adopted as presented. ... The adopted plan presents a vision and five general statements of purpose for Essex Heritage that will direct their activities over the foreseeable future. That vision and the general plan of action are as follows: ... The Vision…Essex Heritage is uniquely positioned to work across local and regional boundaries and advocate for matters that improve the “quality of life” in Essex County. From this strategic vantage point, ENHC creates tangible and intangible assets that benefit the people of Essex County. Through partnerships and leverage, ENHC is adept at preserving, educating, enhancing, and sustaining the heritage assets and organizations of Essex County, building a place that is greater than the sum of its parts. As a catalyst for positive change, ENHC is committed to the following general tenants of operation: ...


California Regional Environmental Education Community

1. Since 1999-2000 Wilderness values have stayed high (in the 70th, 80th and 90th percentiles) with residents age 16 and older.-Overall, Americans ascribed high importance to Wilderness benefits. The only category that did not show importance was providing income for the tourist industry.

2. A comparison of the urban and rural communities values “unequivocally” showed no significant difference in wilderness values.

3. ... regions of the Country ... “Do the people living in these different regions have different opinions about Wilderness values? Significant differences were found in a few categories.

a. Protecting water quality was significantly higher in the Northeast and Southern region than in the other two regions of the Midwest and West.

b. Providing scenic beauty was highest in the Southern region.

c. Having the option to visit wilderness areas in the future was higher in the Western region.

d. Providing spiritual inspiration was significantly high in the Southern region.


.04 Regional congestion relief for the cost of a latte

Greater Greater Washington

If you drive to work, you probably battle ever-worsening traffic, making you stressed, tired, and sometimes late. What if for the cost of your morning coffee pick-me-up, you could stop being dragged down by your commute? A congestion charge would improve mobility in downtown DC, but rather than funding local roads, the money should pay for regional improvements that aid commuters from Virginia, Maryland, and outer DC neighbourhoods. The Washington area ranked second most congested in the Texas Transportation Institute's 2009 Annual Urban Mobility Report. Washingtonians on average spend 62 hours stuck in traffic during the year and waste 42 gallons of gas. We all could find a better use for this wasted time and money, like spending more time with family and friends. ...

.05 Regional, Sustainable Food Supply Chains to be Explored in Community Scavenger Hunt

PDX Food Press – Portland, OR, USA

Seeking increased transparency and accountability in how food is produced and handled, Portlanders will set out across the city to explore local and sustainable food supply chains in the Where’s Food Alliance? Scavenger Hunt ... Scavenger hunt participants will meet Food Alliance Certified farmers, ranchers, food processors and distributors, learn how Food Alliance Certified products and ingredients are grown and prepared, and discover where to find more socially and environmentally responsible food products. Who: Northwest sustainable food advocates, local food businesses, farmers, ranchers, food processors and distributors, chefs and restaurateurs, and consumers. What: Where’s Food Alliance? Scavenger Hunt and Reception ...

.06 "Local and Regional Foods in Community and Economic Development" from Cornell


Well crafted presentation. Concise tutorial. Kudos to the authors, Rod Howe, Katherine Lang, Bernadette Logozar, Heidi Mouillesseaux-Kunzman, and Duncan Hilchey. My friend Dayna Conner at Food Works here in deep Southern Illinois pointed me to an upcoming webinar on Local and Regional Food Systems by Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development (NERCRD) that led me to that presentation. Her organization's blog is here.

.07 What the Population Strategy should do

The Melbourne Urbanist

I’m not surprised the Prime Minister has appointed a Minister for Population now that Australia is projected to accommodate 35 million people in 40 years time. ...The new Minister, Tony Burke, is charged with preparing a Population Strategy. Let’s hope it will be much more than just a political response. ... Minister will need to examine five key areas: ... It’s hard to see how an effective Strategy could avoid redefining immigration policy ...The geographical distribution of growth could potentially be a disaster if it is presumed that Government can easily direct growth to preferred locations such as smaller cities and regional areas. I’ve previously written about some of the potential pitfalls of attempting to decentralise population growth. Regional areas have to be underpinned by some organic economic force such as a minerals or tourism industry – a successful regional community can’t be built just on the basis of population. ...

.08 An engine for Community Journalism

Roadies of the C3

As a reminder, I’m not a journalist, I’ve never played one on TV and, no, I didn’t sleep at a Holiday Inn Express. I am, however, still intrigued by what I believe will be an explosive and disruptive movement: Community Journalism. Semantic note: I use “community” vice “citizen”…as if old-school, traditional journalists aren’t citizens? Fallacious dichotomy. is based out of San Francisco and is a good example of how community journalism could grow without the explicit involvement of local/regional media operations. Think of it as a hybrid of professional journalists and community contributors. Granted that is hardly a novel concept anymore. ... What I find intriguing about the Allvoices model is the framework it provides for a union of local/regional community journalists, minus any investment on the part of those journalists for brick, mortar, leases, server rooms or sprawling newsroom cubicle farms. …

.09 Metro to Host Community Meetings on Regional Connector Project (Source: LA Watts times)

Pedestrian View Of Los Angeles

This blog focuses on rail lines in LA country that exist, are under construction or under consideration. The Californian high-speed rail project and southern CA to Vegas project will also be covered. Since most of the relevant developments in the news, rail websites and blogosphere take place on weekdays, this blog will be updated primarily Monday through Friday and occasionally on the weekends. Your comments, criticism and suggestions are encouraged. Miscellaneous stuff will also appear here.

Metro to Host Community Meetings on Regional Connector Project (Metro) — Community meetings on the Regional Connector Light Rail Transit project will take place throughout April. The meetings will consist of an open house, as well as a presentation highlighting the features of the new build alternative. There is no need to attend multiple meetings, as identical information will be presented at each. ...

.10 A Growing Community...

The Regional Studies Blog

As the RSA's blogger in residence knows, it takes time for any kind of online content to make an impact. First of all, people have to know where to find your blog or website, then they have to be curious enough to go there, and then they have to be interested enough to stay there and check things out. Well, it's still early days with The Regional Studies Blog, but already a global community of users is emerging. Only 11 posts in and we have had users from over 30 nations and hundreds of cities all across the world. Google's technical wizardry gives us some idea about all of this, so here we share it with you...

.11 Bicycle Friendly Community Presentation

Muscle Powered – Carson City

Muscle Powered will be giving a Bicycle Friendly Community presentation to the Regional Transportation Commission this Wednesday, April 14th, at the Carson City Community Center. A Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) is a designation awarded by the League of American Bicyclists to communities that have proven to posses safe accommodations for cycling, and that encourage people to bike for transportation and recreation. Muscle Powered will present the BFC application process to the city and explain the benefits of being a BFC. The BFC application will provide a comprehensive picture of our community by asking questions across five categories often referred to as the “Five Es”. These categories are Engineering, Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, and Evaluation & Planning. A community must demonstrate achievements in these areas in order to be considered for an award. Communities with more significant achievements in these areas receive superior awards. ...

.12 “ICT” does not equal “computers”

ICT4D in Uganda

As part of our ongoing work around using ICTs (information and communication technology) in our programs and general operations, 10 staff in Plan Uganda did a 2-day workshop in March, 2010. ... Anthony Makumbi, from our Regional Office for Eastern and Southern the Regional Community ICT Advisor ... “We initially thought that when you talk of ICT you refer to the computer guys only, but our minds have now been opened further on the topic. We’ve learned that ‘ICT’ does not equal ‘computers’. Instead, the term ICT encompasses any technology tool that enables information flow and communication.” (participant) This always seems to come up in these trainings – people realize that thinking about and using ICTs is not something that is limited to technicians, geeks, network specialists, programmers, the IT Department, etc. Demystifying this term is so important in order to get people interested and to open up to thinking about how ICTs can support their every day work. ...

.13 Hidden History of Cooperation in America

Peak Oil Blues Blog

Being an unhappy worker seems to be a normal, natural condition, but is it? Our hidden history of working together says it is not. ... The revolt is part of the hidden history of cooperatives and communialism in America, written in a riveting book by John Curl called “For All the People.” A wage slave is “someone who feels compelled to work in return for wages in order to survive.” The notion that wage work is coerced by social conditions, and is actually a form of slavery, is a notion that arose early in the transformation of wage-earning, 1836, as women in Lowell became millworkers. From that point onward, “early American workers planned to accomplish their liberation from wage slavery by substituting for it a system based on cooperative work and by constructing parallel institutions that would supersede the institutions of the wage system.” Curl p.3 ...

.14 Worldwide, cities are good for women

All About Cities

The global shift toward cities and more urban based economies has benefited women — and the status of women — in at least three ways. First, urban women and girls typically need to spend fewer hours doing household chores, including ensuring basic survival, than their rural counterparts. For example, spending half a day hauling water, is not required — even in poorer cities or neighbourhoods where not all homes have running water, a pump is usually close to home.... Second, in part by reducing time spent on household chores, living in cities allow more girls and women to attend school (boys also benefit here too). Moreover, cities often offer a woman a wide range of choices to utilize her education from “traditional female paths” like nursing or teaching to the new common female occupations such as accounting.... Third, city life for families and women is removing the economic bias in favor of sons, which world wide

may be responsible for many fewer women being born — ...

.15 Regional and Language Sakai Sub-Communities - Management / Project Coordination - Confluence

Regional and Language Sakai Sub-Communities

In order to help foster a local sense of community among organizations that are geographically close, or which share a common language, we support the self-organization of regional/language groups and activities within the greater Sakai community. Description ... Australia/New Zealand regional community ... China regional community ... Dutch Sakai User Group ... European regional community ... Communautรฉ Sakai franรงaise ... Japanese regional community ... New York City regional community ... Espacio colaborativo de la comunidad Espaรฑola de Sakai ... Southern African partners ...

13. Announcements and Regional Links. Contents

.01 American City Quality Month – April, 2010 - Nation Cities Weekly - National League of Cities - USA

Citizens and pubic and private sector leaders must get involved and support better city and regional planning and action for better quality communities, according to NLC and the American City Planning Directors’ Council and its American City Quality Foundation during American City Quality Month, celebrated this April.

Continuing public concerns about jobs, property tax increases, urban sprawl, sustainability, livability, loss of working farm and conservation land, lack of affordable housing, increasing traffic congestion, and other community issues require getting involved and supporting better planning and action now to improve the quality of urban and regional areas.

The nation’s city planning directors see the need for jobs and to redevelop and build new cities and regions …

.02 SET-Arizona - Western Rural Development Center

About Stronger Economies Together - Arizona

The Stronger Economies Together (SET) Program is sponsored by USDA Rural Development (USDA RD), in partnership with the Regional Rural Development Centers (which includes the Western Rural Development Center), for interested counties that desire to work together to develop and implement a regional economic development strategy or plan.

Eight states have been selected for this pilot program: AZ, KY, LA, MO, NM, OH, PA, and WV. State Partner Teams will provide training and technical assistance to largely rural counties that are interested in working together on a regional basis or wish to strengthen the effectiveness of an existing regional development effort.

What Comprises a Region?

Each region must encompass two or more counties/parishes and the population and/or geographic area of the region must meet one of the “rural” requirements (which are discussed in greater detail at the end of this application). Your current or potential region can cross state lines, but it too must meet one of the “rural” definitions.



Applications are due no later than May 3, 2010 (by 11:59 pm Central Time).

Find other State programs:

.03 Take 10 Map

2010 Census

Take 10 minutes to fill out your 2010 Census form and mail it back TODAY. If 100% of households mailed back their forms, taxpayers would save $1.5 BILLION dollars. Let's all do our part and mail back our forms! Displayed data as of: Sunday, April 11, 2010 - 2010 Census National Participation Rate: 65%

.04 Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) 11th Summer Institute -June 16-18, 2010 - Universidad Autรณnoma de Occidente – Cali, Colombia

Main Theme: New Horizons of Regional Science on the Onset of the 21st Century

Call for papers: Abstract- By April 30th, 2010 - Full Paper - By May 31st, 2010

For more information: or

.05 Regions and the Environment - Regional Studies Association Winter Conference 2010 - November 26, 2010 - The Resource Centre, London, UK

Workshop themes: Water Security; Food; Renewable Energy; Climate Change; EU Programmes; Regional Food Markets; and more.

Call for papers PDF

.06 CCSU Legislative Case Study Forum on Radical Regionalism – Connecticut Network \

Video - Explores the idea of towns & cities sharing services such as policing, and the creation of regional governance to eliminate redundancy and reduce costs, and why some municipalities are reluctant to embrace regionalism. Length: 1 hr 45 min-

Source article: Kooris on Radical Regionalism - Regional Plan Association - NYC, USA

.07 Regional and Intergovernmental Planning Division Newsletter - Winter • 2010

Regional Land Use Mapping for Cape Cod: A Collaborative Process by Sharon Rooney, AICP Chief Planner, Cape Cod Commission

Chicago Wilderness Green Infrastructure: Challenges and Opportunities for the Built Environment by Dennis Dreher, Director of Conservation Design for Cowhey Gudmundson Leder, Ltd.,

Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Roundtable Sponsored by the Regional and Intergovernmental Planning Division by Lee Schoenecker, AICP, Roundtable Co-Chair and Past Division Chair

2009 Upper Midwest Planning Conference by Ty Warner, AICP Co-Chair, 2009 Upper Midwest Planning Conference Principal Planner, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

Regional and Intergovernmental Planning Division Expert Panel on Regional Planning and the San Diego Foundation Visioning Project

Division News by Bob Leiter, FAICP, Board Chair, APA Regional and Intergovernmental Planning Division

Editor’s Corner by Ron Thomas, AICP, Regional & Intergovernmental Division Editor


Division website:

.08 Executive Director - Wasatch Front Regional Council - Salt Lake City, UT

This is an appointed at will position that serves at the discretion of the Wasatch Front Regional Council. This is not a position with Salt Lake County.

The Wasatch Front Regional Council is the designated metropolitan transportation planning organization (MPO) for the Salt Lake and Ogden/Layton urbanized areas with about 1.5 million residents. WFRC is also one of seven associations of government (AOGs) in the state of Utah and provides these functions for Weber, Davis, Morgan, Tooele and Salt Lake Counties. The Council has eighteen voting members who are all locally elected officials and five non-voting members from partnering agencies and associations and two non voting members from the state legislature.

This position builds consensus on the Council and with partner agencies for a future regional transportation vision that reflects how the residents want to access activities around the region. Leads and motivates staff to develop innovative plans and programs needed to achieve the vision. As an expert in comprehensive regional planning, primary responsibilities will include, developing the long-range regional transportation plan that is based on an informed forecast of land use and provides mobility for residents now and in the future with a multimodal system (walk, ride bike, ride transit, drive auto), balancing the requests for projects with the available funds in the short-range program and selecting projects wisely, developing regional community, economic and environmental development plans, maintaining positive partnerships and communication with other agencies including state, federal and local agencies as well as the state legislature, administering and budgeting Council programs, keeping the public informed and soliciting their recommendations, and is responsive to various interest groups.

Salt Lake County HR

OPENING DATE: 04/12/10

CLOSING DATE: 04/19/10 11:59 PM


APA Planning Jobs Source:

14. Financial Crisis. Contents

.01 Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

In the wake of the most significant financial crisis since the Great Depression, the President signed into law on May 20, 2009, the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009, creating the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. The Commission was established to "examine the causes, domestic and global, of the current financial and economic crisis in the United States."

The 10 members of the bi-partisan Commission, prominent private citizens with significant experience in banking, market regulation, taxation, finance, economics, housing, and consumer protection, were appointed by Congress on July 15, 2009. The Chair, Phil Angelides, and Vice Chair, Bill Thomas, were selected jointly by the House and Senate Majority and Minority Leadership.

The FCIC is charged with conducting a comprehensive examination of 22 specific and substantive areas of inquiry related to the financial crisis. These include:

fraud and abuse in the financial sector, including fraud and abuse towards consumers in the mortgage sector;

Federal and State financial regulators, including the extent to which they enforced, or failed to enforce statutory, regulatory, or supervisory requirements;

the global imbalance of savings, international capital flows, and fiscal imbalances of various governments;


.02 The Coming European Debt Wars - New Deal 2.0

Fasten your seatbelts. The world is in for a bumpy ride on the debt default trail.

Government debt in Greece is just the first in a series of European debt bombs that are set to explode. The mortgage debts in post-Soviet economies and Iceland are more explosive. Although these countries are not in the Eurozone, most of their debts are denominated in euros. Some 87% of Latvia’s debts are in euros or other foreign currencies, and are owed mainly to Swedish banks, while Hungary and Romania owe euro-debts mainly to Austrian banks. So their government borrowing by non-euro members has been to support exchange rates to pay these private-sector debts to foreign banks, not to finance a domestic budget deficit as in Greece.

All these debts are unpayably high because most of these countries are running deepening trade deficits and are sinking into depression. Now that real estate prices are plunging, trade deficits are no longer financed by an inflow of foreign-currency mortgage lending and property buyouts. There is no visible means of support to stabilize currencies (e.g., healthy economies). For the past year, these countries have supported their exchange rates by borrowing from the EU and IMF. The terms of this borrowing are politically unsustainable: sharp public sector budget cuts, higher tax rates on already over-taxed labor, and austerity plans that shrink economies and drive more labor to emigrate.

Bankers in Sweden and Austria, Germany and Britain are about to discover that extending credit to nations that can’t (or won’t) pay may be their problem, not that of their debtors. No one wants to accept the fact that debts that can’t be paid, won’t be. Someone must bear the cost as debts go into default or are written down, to be paid in sharply depreciated currencies, but many legal experts find debt agreements calling for repayment in euros unenforceable. Every sovereign nation has the right to legislate its own debt terms, and the coming currency re-alignments and debt write-downs will be much more than mere “haircuts.”

There is no point in devaluing, unless “to excess” - that is, by enough to actually change trade and production patterns. ...

15. Custom search: region, regions, regional communities Contents

To search on topics like those in Regional Community Development News use this custom search engine which utilizes over 1,200 regional related sites.

My name is Tom Christoffel. I've worked in the field of intergovernmental and regional cooperation since 1973. As a consequence, "I see regions work.” It is my thesis that "regional communities” are emerging where multi-jurisdictional regional council organizations exist.

Making visible such cross-boundary planning, collaboration and cooperative action at multi-jurisdictional networked regional scales, public, private and NGO is my purpose. "Think globally, act locally" was innovative in its time. Today the local scale is often too small to address today's needs and opportunities. "Think local planet, act regionally,” is my candidate paradigm. No one said we're only allowed one paradigm.

We can see that “regional communities of communities” are organized locally and now act both to avoid tragedy in the commons and gain benefits. An effective multi-jurisdictional regional community has DNA. It is geographically Defined; has a common Name and its Alignment is inclusive of smaller communities and participatory in larger communities. So, by scanning this compilation, reading articles and checking organizations - you too will be able to see the regional communities that already exist.

News references are found using Google Search services. Media article excerpts and links are “fair use” to transform globally scattered reports to make regional approaches visible. Links go to the publisher and do not compete with it. Such publishers are likely to have related stories and thus be seen by new customers. “Regional” is an emerging news category.

There is no charge for this service and no profit is made from its use, though any user can become more aware of the topic itself. Regional Community Development News is published bi-monthly based on news reports as of the publication date.

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Tom (Thomas J.) Christoffel, AICP -

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