Regional Community Development News - November 21, 2011

As of  November 11, 2011, this newsletter has been going eight years – since 2003. The commitment is until 2013.  It will continue using delicious links. Article text is trimmed to the delicious 1000 count limit. The geo-code system and topic tags included are a work in progress. "re:" is used  a pre-tag meaning: region/regions/regional. They link to the collection of related items. The reader feed was reset. Please use the subscribe link on the blog to subscribe. 

Top stories are tweeted daily.!/tomchristoffel
Basic Geocodes - 
0000 - Earth
0900 - Arctic Ocean
1000 - Europe
2000 - Africa
3000 - Atlantic Ocean
4000 - Antarctica
5000 - Americas
6000 - Pacific Ocean
7000 - Oceana
8000 - Asia
9000 - Indian Ocean
"Global Region-builder Geo-Code Prototype" © 
For delicious reader feed: